Simon Tjell

  • Freelance Software Developer
  • Copenhagen
  • Member Since Dec 04, 2022

Candidates About

I'm an experienced software developer with a strong theoretical background (Ph.D. in Computer Science). Currently, my primary programming languages are C#, JavaScript, Powershell, and SQL. I find great satisfaction in clarifying and understanding complex business needs - and providing simple solutions based on modern technology.

In the recent years, I have helped clients and employers develop web sites and CMS platforms (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Umbraco, Sitecore, Bootstrap, AngularJS), web services (SOAP in WCF and REST in WEB-API), databases (MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL), CRM systems (MS Dynamics CRM), Windows applications (WinForms and WPF), full-text search indexes (SOLR and Lucene), statistical modeling tools (Matlab and Excel), and NemID logins.

As part of a modern development workflow, I have implemented, configured, and utilized unit testing (NUnit, XUnit, and MS Unit Tests), automated testing (Selenium), build servers (TeamCity, CruiseControl, and TFS/Azure DevOps), version control (Git, SVN, CVS, Mercurial, and TFS), software modeling (UML), performance profiling (dotTrace and ANTS), virtual machines (VMWare, Hyper-V, and Virtual Box), cloud services (Azure, Amazon, Heroku, GitHub, etc.), scripting languages (mainly Python and Powershell), various operating systems (Windows, OSX, and Linux), and automated continuous delivery (Deployment Manager).