: Entrepreneur Launches New Talent Platform for Tech Specialists : Entrepreneur Launches New Talent Platform for Tech Specialists has written this article about Talentlist. Read the original here (in Danish) or read a report in English below.

After selling his tutoring company GoTutor to Alinea, entrepreneur Mads Christensen is back with a new talent platform aimed at providing an overview of tech candidates and their key skills.

Tech talent is in high demand worldwide, but identifying the right skills can be challenging. Christensen aims to change that with his new startup,, which launched in November 2022 and offers a platform to simplify the search for tech talent.

"The concept was to screen talented candidates from universities and match them with school students in need of help. essentially does the same thing, but with a focus on technology instead of education. It's about carefully identifying and mapping out skills, making it easy to showcase the exact talents one is looking for," says Mads Christensen.

In addition to mapping tech talent, also offers a range of resources and tools to make it easier to match talent with companies.

"I'm proud to launch a tool that can create value at a time of increasing demand for IT specialists," says Christensen, founder of "The goal is to identify top talent so that companies and organizations can find the exact skills they are looking for."

Talentlist is developed with an international perspective, so the platform can be scaled across borders. Since its launch, has selected and screened around 200 talents, with a goal to screen around 5,000 in 2023.